Walterboro Works - Accessibility and ADA Paratransit
For those who are eligible, Walterboro Works offers Easy Breeze ADA Paratransit services within a 3/4-mile radius from our Walterboro Works fixed route (see the shaded area in the map below), Monday through Friday – 6:15 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. The service is available for persons with a temporary or permanent disability who meet the criteria established under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Passengers must be certified to use Easy Breeze Paratransit.
The application is in two parts:
Part 1 can be downloaded here. Please return your completed application to Palmetto Breeze Transit, ATTN: Mobility Manager, P.O. Box 2029, 25 Benton Field Road, Bluffton, SC 29910.
Part 2 is the Request for Professional Verification Form for your Physician to complete. Part 2 can be downloaded here.
Applications can be mailed upon request by calling (843) 757-5782.
Download and read the Easy Breeze Paratransit Service Rider's Guide in its entirety here.
Any of our brochures or service information documents are available in alternative formats, such as large print or audio file, upon request. Please call 843-757-5782, Option #3 or email with your alternative document needs.

Reasonable Accommodation Policy
Lowcountry Regional Transportation Authority (LRTA) dba Palmetto Breeze will make reasonable accommodations/modifications to its policies, practices and procedures when such accommodations are necessary to avoid discrimination on the basis of disability.
The procedures described in our Reasonable Accommodation Policy, which can be read in its entirety here, regarding reasonable accommodations apply to the transit services operated by Palmetto Breeze and include Fixed Routes, Commuter Routes, Demand Response Routes, Coordinated Transportation and Easy Breeze Paratransit.

Requests for reasonable accommodations are to be made in advance, whenever possible, and should be sent in writing by mail or email to:
LRTA dba Palmetto Breeze
ATTN: Mobility Manager
P.O. Box 2029
Bluffton, SC 29910
For inquiries, questions or comments about this policy, call Palmetto Breeze at 843-757-5782 and press option #3.
ADA Discrimination Complaint Process
Palmetto Breeze has established a process for resolving complaints of discrimination based on disability. Any person who believes he or she has been subjected to discrimination on the basis of disability may file a complaint under this procedure. The Palmetto Breeze Mobility Manager or his/her designee shall be responsible for overseeing investigations and responses to complaints of discrimination based on disability.
How to File a Complaint:
Please complete an ADA Discrimination Complaint Form (found here). ADA Complaint Forms and the ADA Complaint Procedure is available here for download on the Palmetto Breeze website, or hardcopies of all material is available at the offices of:
LRTA dba Palmetto Breeze
Attn: Mobility Manager
PO Box 2029
25 Benton Field Road
Bluffton, SC 29910
843-757-5782, Option #3